Event in Changzhou: Stricter law enforcement


On October 19th, the WZR China team visited the Sino-Herman Industry Park Changzhou (SGIP). Collaborated with SGIP Startup, the Managing Partners of WZR China, Mr. Florian Kessler and Mrs. He Xin hosted an offline event regarding stricter law enforcement. 



Recently, our practical observations have indicated a growing trend of more frequent and stringent law enforcement inspections conducted by regulatory authorities across various sectors. These sectors include foreign exchange management, labor supervision, customs, market regulations, and more. This trend can be attributed to the implementation of the 'Double Random and Public Disclosure' mechanism (“双随机、一公开”).


To minimize risks and vulnerabilities, foreign companies should be prepared for inspections by Chinese authorities in the current focus areas and conduct a legal compliance check. During the workshop, WZR China has introduced the most recent focus areas for legal compliance through case studies and explain how companies can efficiently conduct a self-assessment to identify compliance gaps.